The four-week Crash Course begins on March 5th, 2024:
During the second week, our focus shifts to color. If you lack professional dyes for silk flower making, there's no need for concern: simple watercolor dyes will suffice. Our main objective in the second week is to delve into color theory, empowering you to comprehend and effectively apply it to your first silk flower project.
The 'Crash Course' in silk flower making is designed to empower beginners to master the art swiftly, helping them sidestep common disappointments and mistakes. By providing comprehensive guidance and hands-on practice, this course equips participants with the skills and confidence needed to create exquisite silk flower accessories, whether pursuing it as a hobby or a career.
Reserve your spot today and benefit from a 10% discount on orders made before 01/03/2024!
If you have any questions or need further information about the Crash Course, feel free to reach out to me.
With love,
Elena - Silk Flower Artist